Friday, 23 December 2011

Dear [insert family or friend's name]

Hello to you all, well what a year we've had here in the windy land of Orkney, how quickly it's gone by.........its now the time that all those lovely xmas letters arrive - you know the kind - the 'well, we've meant to write to you and catch up but where has the time gone' types of letters. Personally I love them, its a bit like having a coffee and a catch up round the kitchen table.......... - I've a couple of chums who write the most entertaining ones each year and I really look forward to them (Jarmy and s, are you out there, reading?) - therefore in their honour and hopefully in their style I'll give you a peek at ours.......
Well the years been full to bursting with standing stones, beaches and adventures - 

we've had alot of fun in old places and new places. 
 And even got 'sooth' to new places like Applecross over the famous bealach-na-ba road in shiny red cars - what an adventure that was!
The cellist has passed her Grade 5 and Grade 5 theory with gusto, inbetween hanging around, clever chap that she is, and continues to eat pasta with such delight we're upping the tomato and basil production next year to try and keep up with her!
Well done cellist.................the man-child made it to his 17 th birthday and passed some exams, he's even begun driving lessons........ he's planning to head south next year to university - he won't be taking BRB with him.............
Although he tends to go out in a car when he's on the main road - the local radio station post updates on Facebook of his whereabouts - just in the public interest you understand......the larger man child in my life visits often, has managed to break himself (falling off a moutain bike in Canada, daft gonk, don't feel sorry for him, he's perfectly fine now - if a little unable to bend properly yet), buy himself a shiny red car and started his own little blog about playing guitar....
In the mean while......the peedie dog still thinks he's a chicken and frequents their run to inspect and check their food regularly....
Whilst the chickens think they are people and keep trying to move in...........not much changes in the homestead eh?
Or drive the car.....
And what of me? Well - the pesky willow thesis finally written, dots dotted, t's crossed etc all printed and now in a library in Aberdeen for no one to even set eyes on again - I hope and will never study again, I promise! I cleared out my desk and moved into the garden gurus office where I'm currently squatting........I've entered a phase of my life called 'post-phd-madness' by the children - which involves a lot of cooking and coming up with adventures and wearing of ever more silly hats....
 and sitting in bracken, looking at flowers just for the sake of it................and making up ridiculous names for them......
 And walking with pesky dogs in the wind, and hiding in archaeological remains - just for the fun of it - we're on Orkney for only a few years more - so we've a lot of exploring to do.......before we move away with the cellist ashe leaves for uni, don't worry cellist if you're reading this, we won't move anywhere near you - just comfortable parental stalking distance on the mainland. I did only joke about parking Darwin outside your new flat, when you get one, honest - I mean what kind of a mother would really live in a camper van in your street, just to check you're OK............!?
But in between all that, we're just enjoying life - cooking and adventuring (in proper post-phd-madnesstyle), we've been experimenting with growing lots of great food.....
 And, we've even begun foraging for lovely wild foods like elderberries....................
Got the polytunnel frame up....thank you Uncle A! Peedie helped too.......
.....and been visiting gardens in Orkney hidden away behind deep lovely hedges or large lovely trees......
And, mainly, its been a lot of fun!

I hope you're year has been fun too - enjoy Xmas and the holidays and I hope to see more of you next year, keep you and yoursafe, smile and have fun, from all of us in the windy north, to all of you wherever you are! xx


  1. Hi Fay, a couple of years ago, I was fortunate enough to camp at Applecross. Fell in love with everything about it; the pub, the big old estate and tea shop and wow, the view across to Skye. Amazing place - I'll get back there one day. A very merry Christmas to you too!


    1. Amazing indeed and the food, wow - we got to the garden too and the pub - aside that and the road - a fairly amazing day!!!!! A very lovely 2012 to you and yours and your garden..........

  2. Have a great Christmas and New Year!

    1. And to you Tony, hope the weathers been kind and spring arrives soon! All the best in 2012.......

  3. Have a Great Wombling Christmas!!!! See you in 2012!! Wombling Olympics maybe??

    1. I've signed us both up - :) Happy 2012 hopefully we'll get out in that garden of yours. :)

  4. Wishing you and Peedie a very happy Christmas!

    1. We spent it seperately but he's forgiven me thankfully. A few bonios never goes out of fashion and gets a galavanter back in fashion again. x A happy year to you too.x

  5. Wishing you and your's a wonderful Christmas and plenty of adventures for the coming year! Greetings from Finland.

    1. Lovely to see you on here - and thank you many happy adventures to you all in Finland too :)

  6. Looks like you have had a great year, happy Christmas.

    1. Thank you Greenthumb - and a great year to you too!!!!!

  7. Yay! Merry Christmas to you and yours Fay - have a fantastic time, and look forward to hearing all your adventures when you're back!

    Robyn xx

    1. And to you Robyn, adventures galore all round in 2012.......:)

  8. Most round robins we receive are just too.....yawn....boring for words. And just a wee bit smug....yours is the exception (of course).
    The sushi looks great. Think of us all eating sushi on Christmas eve...yum enjoy the Festive Season, Fay.

    1. Sushi, Janet me dear my real weakness! I hope ours isn't smug, I'm grateful for all we do but if I get smug, slap me with a wet mackeral!

      All the best to you and yours in 2012..............and perhaps a meet up.......?

  9. Hope you and your loved ones have a happy and peaceful Christmas.

  10. congrats on the phd and thanks for the pictures of your delightful chickens. they always make me laugh. thanks for blogging this past year ... it's been a lot of fun keeping up with all your adventures. a merry Christmas to you and yours!

    1. MOre chicken infested posts in 2012 I promise, love to you and yours! Adventures are very cool, aren't they especially in Scotland.

  11. Merry Christmas to you and best wishes in the new year, from snowy Prince Edward Island, Canada.

    1. Happiest of times for you all in 2012 Margerite (my favourite daisy) A gorgeous place you live in.

  12. Great post - I enjoyed reading it!
    Christmas blessings!
    Best wishes for the New Year!
    Mississippi, USA

    1. Thank you Lea and to you! Many happy times in 2012

  13. Those end of year letters yield a lot of fascinating insights! Love your hats.
    I was directed to your blog from "Life on a Small Island' ... love your blog!

    1. Yay for Sians great blog - she totally inspired me too!!! The end of a year, mroe to come and hats are indeed marvellous. Thank you for popping over. :) Really kind.
