Friday, 13 January 2012

Headline news: Local chatterbox speechless, Orkney experiences wind free, sunny day

I'm utterly speechless, well, maybe relatively, I'm never 'out' of words. We had a wind free, rain free, relatively pleasant day today, reflections reoccurred in our lochs (I thought these had been stolen or cut by the local budgets as I haven't seen a reflection, in a loch or in the sea, in ages). I even managed to take a picture of the view from the garden - in fact I actually went into the garden without fear of being hit by flying fences, sheep or the neighbours shed. To say its been a tad windy here lately would not be an understatement. I haven't been able to write for days due to my utter obsession with whining about the weather and lack of internet due to storm damage and generally 'huffiness' about how utterly vile its been. 

I have not been good company, even the dog and it would appear the chickens are avoiding me, therefore it may have indeed been a vile mood - they can normally be relied upon for their company in exchange for food, not lately - they have hidden. 

Thursday night, we (the family and the dog/not the chickens) watched the window glass of our living room, dancing around, contorting in and out the other night with the force of the wind, whilst this is not unusual, its always slightly alarming. Hail bouncing from the flooded garden beds also a sight to behold as it jitters the pools surfaces. And, having found a TV aerial in the garden this morning seemed to be quite normal in our current blasted weather - I did not think, 'Oh wow, it must have been windy [subtext would also put in 'windy again, just the 50mph today though'] instead I just thought, 'Oh look an aerial - wonder where that came from'. Therefore a wind free day, with a bit of sunshine has left me speechless, which pleases everyone here. A face book comment I got today was of a friend who'd said she was 'evolution in action', not only was she now able to walk upright due to no wind, she had also been able to walk without wellingtons - real progress - the weathers been vile. I'm not sure why we haven't sunk or been blown away, or both.
Have a great weekend, I hope the weather remains kind and we might even venture out in it, but lets not count our chickens.

An epilogue to explain the weather whining here - we haven't had a run of good luck!

.."And rain fell upon the earth forty days and forty nights"...

by BBC Radio Orkney on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at 11:31am
A weather monitoring station in the west mainland has registered rainfall every day since the middle of November last year. Recorded by Keith Johnson in Birsay, the figures show that December had nearly double the average rainfall for the month with just over eight hours of sunlight, the lowest figure since 1987. The first ten days of January have also proved to be just as wet with the average amount rainfall for the month falling in the last ten days. 


  1. Similar here in Ireland...rain has stopped...wind too. It's looking and feelin very Springlike!

    1. Oh spring you say - how exciting. :) My bulbs are sulking.

  2. No rain here just hot sunshine days, take care and stay dry.

    1. Dry for days - then home again to rain. Hope its not too dry and sunshiney with you, which I'm trying to say whilst in good heart but secretly very jealous. Enjoy it!!! x

  3. Goodness me, no wonder you're speechless! Glad you've had at least one non-windy day... xx

  4. Yes, Nice to see the back of the wind - for a time. At least with no trees to speak of up there, you don't have so much to blow down. Down here, I think I need a third chain saw - like the three bears, big, small and medium. There's just so much shattered wood everywhere!

    1. Oh dear Kininvie - a third down, I really feel for you. Not much blown down here - thats true, soil looks like the surface of the moon and the alpines well they are festooning the fence nicely caught by their roots - more of a job for a teaspoon and a jiffy cloth than a chainsaw. Not much burning in those.

      Hope you get the wood sorted, sorry to hear so much down.

  5. OHH! I do hope the wind stays away for at least 24 hours!! If only so that you can be happy for a day xx

    1. It stayed off for a bit, enough for a breather and a walk or two. Can't ask for more really, lovely to see you. x

  6. Glad you have finally got some relief! Beautiful sky photos!

    1. Thank you! And so glad to get a bit of relief. Although its back...............xx

  7. omg, even the chickens are depressed, never mind a little light relief is always welcome. Lets look for an exceptional Spring.

    1. Indeed Alistair - the chooks are fine now, amazing what a couple of dry/non windy days does for the soul - chicken or otherwise, but, nice the gales have returned again, was getting eerie (although I could happily get use to it!)

      Days are lighter woo hoo!

  8. Oh I really feel for you. I think wind is my least favourite weather, the noise really does get to me after a while, its dfficult to sleep and actually quite scary sometimes. I'm glad it has calmed down. It has been very wet in Wales but we have had a dry spell recently which has been so lovely. The chance to go for walks and not get soaked and covered in mud.

    1. Wind is evil. Wet is not great when you don't need it, the two combined are a killer.

      The noise is constant, never mind a break of it did us good. I've a 'we got to the beach blog' to type up! Can't wait - we tired out the dog :) no mud involved!

      Hope your place dries out.xx
