Sunday, 5 February 2012

The neglection of the Peedie dog

A hearty hello to anyone out there reading. I'm guitly as charged of neglection of both the Peedie dog, the family, the blog, infact aside work (which I've been wholeheartedly slogging away at) I've neglected everything. Even the bread bin is feeling neglected and unloved sitting patiently in the winter sunshine.  Poor show really. Excuses, hmm what can I come up with, I caught something nasty whilst gadding about in Glasgow, nuff said. Mainland delights, adventures and catching something nasty really do go hand in hand for me it would appear. So, aside work, work, sleep, sleep, work, work to the melody of a fine waltz, I've not really achieved anything, nor even really walked the dog. The joys of juggling self-employment hours on an Island are (like anyone self employed) you make hours when you have to make them and allow yourself the luxury of getting sick when you're quiet, to allow you fall in a heap. Hey ho, its not like I died or anything, not even remotely close. Thankfully I love my new job (its a self-employed post) so much, even when sick its a joy to get stuck in to it all and I'm thoroughly grateful for the opportunity to work hard I've been given! (Still be nice to have a womble suit though.......I think I'd like to be Orinoco)
Anyway, enough of my pleeping (moaning) today the sun is shining, the chooks are a clucking and I'm feeling betterm Despite the busy work/life balance I managed to sneak in a really lovely walk doon the track fae the hoose tae the beach with the Peedie dog this afternoon. This pleased him as he gallopped down the track, well as galloppy as that little dog can be! I honestly couldn't remember of the last time we'd managed to have a walk together over the passed few weeks, he's been sorely neglected by me, thankfully the family have stepped in and taken him out. Today, the air was fresh, sunlight glinting through the thunderous looking sky, geese chattering away in the field by our house, its nice to be able to enjoy a walk after work again. Twilight sets in at gone 5pm the sky colours up and soon the moon will be out to cheerfully light the way. No light polution here, just the dots of houses lights across the field and the bay towards Stromness. We're very lucky, I know, its hard to remind yourself of that during the shreeking of gales and unsympathic sideways rain. Sitting here - ambly gazing out of the window, family pottering about the homestead, a Peedie dog at my ankles, I know I'm lucky in lots of ways even without the womble suit.


  1. hope you soon feel much more like "you" xx

    1. I was gardening today in my pj's (red and spotty with little dogs on them) and my purple salopets - I think I'm back to as normal as I get! Thank you x

  2. Glad you are back in the land of the living.

    1. Nice to see you too :) the land of the living is nicer than the sick bed - ergh. :)

  3. I believe that is my dream vehicle in your banner.

    1. Aw, Darwin the campervan, has been the subject of much discussion lately and quite high garage requirements due to his sulking - I'm glad you like him, he's a lot of fun, when not sulking!

  4. Welcome back to Blogland!

    1. Hurrah to the return, finally normal life resumes!

  5. I have been missing you. Sorry you've been under the weather. Hope you're feeling much better soon.

    1. I've missed you all too. Finally a bit of normality hits my life!

      I'm feeling much better thank you!

  6. So glad you are feeling better and welcome back xxxxx

  7. Glad you are up to feeling lucky again, sometimes all the beautiful skies in the world don't quite disguise the fact that you feel rotten! Feel well soon. xx

    1. I'm on the mend, I know you're often poorly Janet so I hope you're OK at the mo. You're right - even a beautiful sky sometimes won't do it. Bed is required!

  8. The springtime cometh soon.
    (Cool bread tin!) xo L

    1. Linnew dear girl how true - I saw a snowdrop today and the daffodils are poking through the ground. Tete a tete are beginning to show in the tubs at Highland Park. Having given up gardening I have taken up whisky drinking :)
