Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Hail and tea..........for the final marigold

 Let me tell you today the weather appeared to be a bit mixed. Rain, hail, bright, dull, windy - mix that lot up and repeat, alot. I am not a fan. But to be fair, today, between the hail and bright, I wanted to take out the marigold bed. Which has been great for my homegrown saffron, to help my 'Orkney diet'. But there appeared one new flower, cheery, alone, bright and orange, I didn't have the heart to pull them all up, even though it won't be there long. They are very brave, a beacon in all the bleak at the moment. Being brave I went out to garden and take that picture.  I liked the light, piercing through the hail and grey, but now I'm off back in the warm to put the kettle on. Although to be fair, didn't I have the head gear to cope with hail. Therefore that ended my gardening for today, what can I tell you, I'm a gardening lightweight or a fair'er weather gardener.   Anyone want a cup, if a choice between gardening in the hail and whipping wind or tea, even I'll take the tea.
Hmm, a quick peek out again, I think, or I get the feeling maybe they want a cup of tea too? A few bovine folk and their young babby-folk, peering into the garden, politely, (they are often very polite) looking for a bit of warm, a cuppa and a bit of cake no doubt. Do you think any of them remembered the milk, being beef cattle, maybe not? Not long until they adventure off into their warm winter barn I think. That way they won't get bonked on the head by the hail like me and my new hat when out in our very mixed weather.

Or thinking about it, maybe they've all come to pay their regard to that final one marigold flower in the garden, brightly bidding me a fond farewell for outdoor flower growing in 2011. Worth a look I think.
You did well my peedie chap, thank you for all your colour! I'll refill the kettle and have a hunt for the cake tin to bid you a proper farewell.


  1. Like the fading sun it's goodbye Mary gold and welcome the cosy fireside and cattle in the byres. What beautifully dramatic contrasts.

  2. Such beautiful vistas! I do welcome sitting by the fire at this time of year...nice and cozy!

  3. Like you, I'm sitting in the warm, having a lovely cuppa.

    That first picture is really lovely!

  4. Does your cake tin go walkabout?

    Magical first picture!

  5. Very nice. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and looking at your pictures.

  6. I'm enjoying my tea right now while enjoying your blog. I've been following your journey of improved recycling and reusing with great interest! Keep up the great work! Cheers, Jenni

  7. love the first picture with the light captured so beautifully and the eloquent marigold is a fond farewell to the kinder weather.
