Tuesday, 4 October 2011

I get the feeling (gale force mix)

Its still *sigh* gusting at over 50mph - deep joy - ventured out this morning to survey the scene and see if anything was damaged. Hmm, we might need a new gate, the one which was made in the summer has got battered and bruised and methinks, might just not be chicken proof anymore after last night/todays gales - the spar is hanging outwards, dancing around in the wind. Oh dear looks like the BRB got left out and got a free wash too.
Thank goodness I cut the hedge  back - its fine, but the marigolds, well, I'm  getting the feeling they might have had it eh? Time to think about digging a nice low pond I think. Bye bye marigolds thank goodness I've dried all I need. I must lift whats left of the raspberry canes. 3/10 dead at the moment, better get on with that soon.
I also get the feeling kale must be bloody hard man material. Its bobbling about there like a daft beast, but its still there. Well mostly.  We don't mind a bit a wind damage, just as well eh? I also get the feeling that I'm glad I can't see the garden right now, its breaking my heart (*and my gate*) and the windaes (windows) appear to be getting a really good dight (wash).


  1. Yuck! Horrid weather, and horrid wind to batter your poor gate. yes, I think the marigolds have officially had it. Looks like a day for snuggling indoors. And maybe doing some plant entries?!

  2. Brrr! What kind of kale are you growing? I bought some Sutherland Kale seeds - it's supposed to be resistant to just about everything, but the slugs got it!

  3. We're expecting a massive storm tonight and I always worry when those winds come. What plants will survive, will the roof stay put? Is the green netting across the fence for wind proofing?

  4. Janet, how I dream of plant entries, the office beckoned, teaching preparation for this weeks class and development of other hort material to be struggled through. Dreadful driving though, yuk. Hoping to be able to develop my own work soon.

    Wwateringcan - dunno to be honest, aunty Claire gave it to me. I wanted to try Sutherland kale (real seeds?!) but not ordered it yet. Where has the year gone?

    Marguerite it has wind netting yeah, that helps a bit, but when it's like this, nit much.

    I hope your storm is not so bad.

  5. Bless you. I think this weather you are talking of is heading our way! Gone will be warm,beautiful sunshiney days. Hello jumper, raincoat and wellies.

  6. Oh trish been a rotten summer here, jumpers not been put away. Hope your weather is ok and doesn't cool too quickly.

  7. Slightly breezy here too. Don't see much damage around the house, but not been down to the growing shed yet to see what is still there.
    The kale and leeks are looking great - even if they are almost horizontal in your picture. I tried sutherland kale when we were on the mainland, but it went to seed. I am growing dwarf green this year.

  8. You really and truly are my hero. While most people moan and cry about every little raindrop falling on the wrong day, you are a true optimist and braveheart to go happily on. And your blog is the only thing that makes me smile right now as, unfortunately, I am far from my own garden and my own life. Well, a small wire-haired sausage dog does her best also. And she sends her love to the handsome Peedy.

  9. Aieeee, your poor gate! Again! What a non-summer you've had, I wonder if you can complain to the weather gods? You had lots of time to prep for the class you're teaching, but I bet you'd rather be outside *doing*.

    I love the idea of taking a photo of the rain on the window, it looks beautiful, mind you so does the background of the marigold one. Poor marigolds ... hope the weather lets up a bit for you today.

  10. Yep Realseeds - I have a few seeds left so might try re-planting in the spring. I've got one cavolo nero which has survived so hopefully there will be at least a few leaves of winter greens!

  11. Barefoot, horizontal vegetables are a speciality :) weathers awful, feels like winter.

  12. Anonymous that's very kind. We moan and grumble too. Glad youve got the company of a sausage dog, peedie tips his hat to you. I hope you get access to a garden soon. Xx

    Jan, I know that poor gate. Plan b I think. Thankfully it meant I wasn't distracted from class work. :) wet windows are another speciality. Which is why I think the marigolds will take their leave and we'll plan a pond, remember we lost my first idea of the bird table last year, thankfully it hit the fence in it's light, during a gale, not the wet windows!

    W watering can. I've hard that variety was very good. Barefoot I was going to give dwarf green a go too.

    Cheers chaps!
