Monday, 14 November 2011

I like parcels, I really like parcels, don't you?

Living as far north as we do, many friends and loved ones are 'doon sooth' - we rely on the post for lots of things - and those that come unexpected are always a bonus. This week, I've been lucky enough to receive, three cards, two magazines, a book (pictured above), a box of cake for a hearty welcome  (how cool a gift in the mail!) and a tub of home made garam massala spices (yum) and a packet of home collected seed! 

How utterly lucky am I. I also received a phone bill, a credit card bill and various junk mail. I've learnt to get rid of the junk I can stop the drop and get rid of any unwanted mail really easily (use that link for ideas). I don't think they help with the credit card bill  though........... My family insist we don't need any help with unsolicited welcome cake however............

How utterly delicious does that look, arriving in a lovely array of yumminess. Thank you very much to the particular folk at slow food for the welcome card and cake, more on that another time..........the kettle and the cake are calling, then feet up with a good book, or a magazine whilst I have a think about what I'll do with those seeds, I love 'nice post' - thank you guys! 

Ps -  to get rid of any pesky junk post visit here for a great advice.......or look for your local agency. Mail needn't be boring, lets enjoy getting post - if you fancy it, take a look at how you can reduce your junk mail  on here or online or at a local recycling site and if you fancy it leave a comment and if your name comes out the hat, I'll send you something fun in the post garden/food/recycling related - anywhere in the world - it might be a small something but it will be a 'fun' something in the mail. Mail should be exciting, helps to curtail those pesky necessary credit card bills etc. You've got until st andrews day - 30th November - and then I'll put all the posters names in a woolly hat and then pull out one lucky chap to post something fun too, if you're chosen I'll email you for your address, dont' worry I'll keep it very secret!



  1. Ooh! A cake in the post?! Goodness, what fun! Sounds like you got lots of lovely things this week :) I love getting parcels too, absolutely love it. Must send more! This week all I've had is the local natural history society newsletter...

  2. I don't mind junk mail that much these days, it's useful in lighting the fire.

    I know someone who attached a prepaid envelope to a brick and posted it back. They got the hint not to send any more.

  3. It is fun getting parcels in the post - I had a nice magazine today too and a second hand book from that online bookstore place - begins with A
    Cakes, though, now that would be an exciting parcel xxx

  4. Cheery isn't it just such fun. I packed up a parcel today for someone and when they get it, I hope they enjoy it! I'm very lucky. The box of cakes were large, the kids are delighted as they are delicious!

    Tony, that's true it's useful for that. I use mine to package up all my plants I sell, everything goes in recycled packaging packed safely with 'junk mail'.

  5. Ps Tony, posting a brick is genius.

    Barefoot - on the isles I think we are especially fortunate, post is such a breathe of air, often from faraway places. Enjoy your book. Xx

    Ps jacqui if you get time, can you answer squirrels comments re pig feeding on the last post? No worries if you don't get back!

  6. I love food parcels, yours looks gorgeous.

    Do pasties and sausage rolls count as "food parcels"? After all they're all wrapped pastry!

  7. i love parcels too! post is so far and few between these days between emailing and whatnot. i love getting even a nice card in the mail. it is very seldom i get a handwritten letter as most of my mail comes electronically now. it's a pity really.

  8. Anne sausage rolls definitely count.

    Jts, how very true. I go through phases too, with writing cards etc.

    With the mail order plants, I'm at the post office most days - I really should be making more effort to pop a card or two in the post. Let's all try eh? Even if it's only one.

  9. I do the postcrossing site thingy, whenever I think of it - must do a few more this week. It's fun and it's free! I also send cards to the Grandsprog regularly, as does J when she's in UK. He gets all excited when the postie brings him a card, I'm told! A cheap pleasure for a 5/6 year old. Wouldn't mind some cake, mind.....

  10. Good post missus

    we have opted out using the mailing preference thing but still get the hand delivered stuff the postie brings............................when I asked him not to i was told if it wasn't for the income they get for that there would be no post service! Not sure I believe that but what gets me the most is it must actually work or they wouldn't do it! I am amazed that if people want to buy double glazing life insurance etc they would not research it themselves first and would just go with the first one that dropped on the doormat??

    Never had cake through the post but i often send care parcels to my Ds in the forces which he enjoys receiving

  11. I love getting post, although I've never had cake through the post. What a treat. I love getting cards and used to get letters but nobody writes them anymore what with email and facebook. There is just something much nicer and more personal when someone has taken the trouble to send you something. I know some people who just send text messages to wish people Happy Birthday.

  12. Cake in the post? Sounds like heaven!

  13. I love parcels, even when I know what's in them, but a cake in a parcel? That is particularly wonderful. Not quite as exciting as a new plant, but then hopefully the plant lasts longer. Thanks for the links to the get rid of your unwanted post stuff. I've put off doing the Post Office one for ages because of the occasional government thing, but we discussed it last night and I am going to fill the form in and rely on the internet for when I need to find out about Important Government Stuff. Some days our entire postal delivery is unsolicited rubbish!

  14. Just catching up, "unsolicited cake" ha ha ha ha ha! x x

  15. Just found your blog, put gardening in moneysavings forum and your thread came up first, am just slowly getting into growing my own properly, been growing odd things in pots but this autumn put my first things in the ground, ok above it, raised beds, only without the surrounds and so far soil compost etc all stayed in place, when I can afford it will get them, need to learn so much, so going to avidly read all the thread all 100 odd pages gulp and your blog. Nice gifts in the post, think receiving food is better than other things and not something most people would think of sending. Have to admit until I saw it on MSF I had never heard of garam massala spices, had to look them up, yep true I don't get out much LOL of to read

  16. Hello healing and love - welcome along for the ride! Glad you're enjoying growing your own!

    Vicky - oh how I need to catch up on your life! I'll pop over fence in a bit, xx unsolicited cake indeed!

    Janet - I'm with you, aside my loathing for cake, but these were more like biscuits than real soggy yuksome cake, so I appreciated them all the more. Glad the link was useful. More cakes less junk mail thats what I say!

    sarah - I'm willing you some via the internet - did that help?

  17. Wellywoman the parcels this last week have really made me think - and I've sent a few fun ones myself and a card - like you say nice to get something other than junk in the mail!

    Glad you liked it shaz and glad it was helpful - aside wrapping sold internet plants up in the junk mail stuff what on earth would anyone take reading it, and does anyone ever read any of it?

  18. Yeractual - we go through phases and like you say for the cost of a stamp - who delighted are we all to get something nice in the post? I know I am and I'm a bit more than your tiddler.

    Keep the comments coming on 30th November a few lucky folk get a 'nice' peedie parcel in the post from me, names from a hat of course!

  19. Names into a hat today - then the lucky parcel will be gathered and on its way!
