Tuesday, 11 September 2012

On pesky deck chairs and interview suits

Now, most folk would say a deck chair is a simple yet useful item. I would have to disagree. One trapped me in the bathroom this morning for about 20 minutes. It bit my fingers when I tried to gently move it upwards and continued its capture. Stealth and cunning were required to confound it into allowing me to escape. The moral of this story is never store a deck chair behind the bathroom door in a cottage with thick walls. It will not end well for the non-deck chair component of any engagement you might have with it. I've never liked them, despite their beauty, I find them to be contemptuous contraptions which defy logic. If you have one then watch it, its sure to be up to, or thinking of how to get up to mischief. The hoonds of course looked on in glee, equally pesky, they were of no help. They prefer to loll on the sofa!
In less pesky news, life is fine and cosy, thank you all for your well wishes in our new home, tis lovely. The settling in is going fine and aside being surrounded by boxes. Or should I add, it will be when I find my interview suit (needed for tomorrow) which is currently hiding somewhere in the house, in one of those pesky safe places. The interview? Its for an 'aid' to the gardening guru up here so fingers crossed someone might think I can actually help him! I want positive vibes this way for tomorrow if you don't mind and for the location of my suit.
In more exciting news, I've slowly dug out some pots and am going to take a few photos tomorrow of the courtyard (OK, OK its a car parking space, but I'm being all romantic and opportunist, I see it as a courtyard, therefore a courtyard it is!) A girl can easily garden with no actual garden can't she? Its all a matter of perspective. Have wellies, have shelter, will garden!


  1. Good luck for tomorrow! And with making your new garden beautiful, which I know you will xx

    1. Thank you thank you thank you!

      Sorry been awol :)

  2. Wishing you all the luck in the world for the interview (and finding the suit!) and loving the photo of the purple wellies!

    1. The suit was found and the interview went well. To be honest was harder to explain that I was

      A - clean - a hirthertoo unknown fact where I normally work

      B - actually owned any 'girlish' clothes and indeed a suit.

      My posh purple wellies came to keep me company in the car - where they normally reside. I never leave home without them.

  3. Woo - fabby news! Positive interview vibes heading north, and as for the garden, a girl certainly can! xx

    1. And, the girl did! Thanks Robyn - I am now 'Relief Horticulture Instructor' - yay!

  4. Good luck with the interview Fay and I hope you have lots of adventures in your new cosy cottage xx

    1. Thanks me lovely - my boy is now down near your lands - spreading his wings! x Changed days........

  5. Deckchairs are indeed fiendish - glad you escaped, no thanks to those pesky dogs! Good luck tomorrow (although I can't help thinking wellies would be more appropriate than a suit!) :) xx

    1. Fiendish indeed - dogs utterly distracted by slumbering - bah!

      Wellies I feel would have also been more appropriate but hey ho - I can't yet change how interviews work sadly.

  6. You are a great vegmeister and all round diminutive Guru of gardens so they will be very lucky to gain such a prize for mere Mammon. PS I joined the new Orkney Fair-trade steering group.

    1. Well done on joining the fair trade steering group Simon. They did indeed let me through the doors and find me a wee nook - which I thought was most kind indeed!

  7. I reckon that any gardening guru would soon realise that assistant to guru you are not, guru in your own right you are. Anyway, I hope that you find the suit. As for deck chairs I am a fan I have to say. The more colourful the better. What better way to create a giggle than trying to remember which way which bit of wood goes. Hammocks - now there is a tale and a half!

    1. Oh I've so much to learn Cheri - I'd need an age and then some to even forget what that man knows but you're very kind indeed.

      I'll leave the deckchairs to you always found hammocks far more acceptable myself - do tell......

  8. Positive vibes like crazy going on here ... and since you're the only one suitable to have subbed for the gardening guru in previous years (same one, hey?) I think that as long as you actually have, you know, *clothes*, as opposed to an interview suit, you've got every chance in the world :) :) :)

    Still vibing like crazy for you tho, honey xxx

    1. Same one yes me dear but you know me, I never count my chooks before they've hatched.

      I did indeed wear clothes. Although given the sniggering and double looks I got - to be honest I'd have caused less of a scene naked I'm sure.

      Although probably wouldn't have got the job!

  9. late here, so I will presume all went perfectly!

    1. It went well diana - thanks - I'm late too - having been running about like a lunatic for the last month I'm finally catching up on life. I hope you and your lovely husband are fine! Must pop by your blog now I have internet again!

  10. Hiya Fay, Back with you, and glad you are back. I felt for you all the way as your last garden went to pieces....There are limits to what anyone can bear. Do you still have an Autumn rendezvous at the Hermitage? If so, I'll get a virtual bouquet together. If not, I'll send some rosemary....

    1. Autumnal rendez vous overtaken by blown up jags (the car not the animal) and costly garage bills. We might get there yet young man so don't throw out my virtual bouquet just yet. Next visit 'sooth' if we land in central I might try and see if you're about for a walk/visit or something - I'm excellent at weeding!

      Rings are however purchased - so if its not autumnal splendor (Hermitage was looking excellent when down but not a hint of autumn colour early Oct) - it might be snowdrops.........

    2. PS - a girl can only take so much flooding and hurricanes before she hangs up her trowel. I did try, honest injun.

  11. And the interview went how? :)

    1. It went muchly lovely thank you Tony I now have another feather to my bow!x

  12. Too late to wish good luck for the interview but I have a courtyard devised from a Victorian workman's back yard. I've always had large gardens but the challenge is really satisfying. Every plant MUST earn its keep and that is quite fun.

    1. Thanks Pat - I'm looking forward to the challenge - in my case I think they'll have to earn it too. I'm also looking to make it half edible, half pretty or both. We'll enjoy the challenge!

  13. Good luck in your new home Fay. I am sure the more sheltered position will have you container gardening next year.

    1. Alistair how the weather in Aberdeen has made me cringe of late - I hope you're not covered in foam....... As I stare out at my few containers already I'm happier. Not feeling connected to life outside, I'm finally happy again.

      Thanks - I've already planted up 2 planters and half a dozen tubs - I'm sure there will be more yet! I'll have a look at your blog for inspiration - plants appear to do well for the both of us in our climates - so I'll wander through your recommendations.
