So we've lurched over 200,000 page views, newly discovered today when the laptop was unearthed under the painting cloots at Mr F's hoose. I'm seriously chuffed. When I started my rambles on here (as advised by my learning support lady, when diagnosed with dyslexia mid-phd and terrified of attempting writing) who would have known anyone would peek in here. Just write she said, press publish and enjoy words, life is messy, grammatically challenged and fun. So just live it. So we did. Ok, so we didn't end up as a Dr of Flowers (er, well Dr of Biomass crops) in the end, but hey ho, never say we didn't have fun along the way.
We've become good friends and adventurers on here, whether virtually or in real life, I'm truly grateful for the friendship and support you all are, whether you know it or not.
Thank you :-) you've enhanced my life in so many way's through reading and commenting on here.
Here's a picture of my best friends 'happy brick' who lives in her garden, taken in her house, chatter of teenagers and chums rumbling in the background. Just perfect.
Dr, Mr Brickington thanks you all also, (he's a Dr and a fellow too). |
Well deserved lady and I for one am not in the least bit surprised! Ok, so you're mad as a bag of snakes, but people like that, clearly...! ;-)
ReplyDeleteBig hugs! xxx
Mad as a bag of snakes - indeed! Never a true'r word said.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOh dear Wendfly where has your comment gone? Thank you and I'm not sure what happened there!!! I'll see if I can recitify it - there was some spam before it - maybe it ate yours too?
DeleteCongratulations! That is a great achievement and I enjoy your blog and reading about your adventures.
ReplyDeleteThanks me dear - and yours too!
DeleteHiya Fay....I'll catch up with you one day, especially if you put me on your blogroll (hint, hint)
ReplyDeleteHint taken me dear - you're on subscription via email so you'll not appear on here - must sort that out.