So, the weathers been kind and we've been beseiged (in a good way) with visitors and family and folks popping by, often with their pj's in their sticky wee mitts. All great fun aside twisting my back and leaving me just sitting here 'looking' rather than doing. So I thought I'd do a bit of reflecting before a proper update later on the garden. Today I can only look and fondly ponder things to do 'out there' rather than have a garden adventure of my own. Folks often ask how often 'to' garden, I think that however long suits you. OK so 15-24 hours a day suits me grand, its not for everyone. Just please yourself!
This weeks star in the garden has to be Crocrosmia (Monbretia) 'Lucifer' one day a mere bud opened, the next FIREWORKS. Even Haggis, who's not much of a fan of herbaceous borders, was impressed. He's more of a 'arboretum' kinda dog (more squirrels to chase) and we all know you don't get many squirrels in your average herbaceous border.
And speaking of impressed. The foray into 'fishbox madness' seems to be working well. The mixture of perennials and edibles, annuals and climbers all rampaging together appeals to my entrophic nature. The sun has shone and shone so that's helped too. As these tubs and pots are largely the veg plot for the summer, there's not much in the way of weeding either. All good.
Sweetcorn alley, has been a grand wee experiment. Can you grow corn outside here, it seems so. Whether or not it will actually fruit is another thing.
But it's big and beefy and seems to be putting on a fair flower or two. The chilli's, peppers, bush tomatoes and salad leaves look on in awe at its gigantic form. They can only dream of reaching such giddy heights. As, dear hearts, do I.
I happen to think green toenails suit the colours of the garden too. One of my favourites (lets be clear I have quite a few favourites) is the Pot Marigold (Calendula officinalis) and that's favourite flower not toe-nail colour although Calendula Orange should be a toe nail polish colour*. Should be so garish in colour but its sunny nature wins out and it can be, as those clever Romans who named it thought, be in flower every day of the year if you're lucky. Fingers crossed. I could so do with a bit of its cheerful colour everyday of the year.
Oh we also splurged all of the remaining wedding money on a garden table for scoffing on. Scoffing is big in our family, so a table to do it outside seems to be a grand idea. OK, we have limited funds for grub but hey we'll be able to share it outside. Peedie of course, supervises from the shade. He is not sure of the ecclectic mix of window boxes, fish boxes, annuals, herbs, flowers, vegetables and general horticultural chaos which eschews. But, he'll give his opinion when it suits him, in good time. Being head horticultural hound, he tells, means he has great responsibility. However, he is, he tells me NOT a fan of the chooks. Even if they are prolific in egg laying and are gaining more feathers by the day.
He likes that they're rescued and happy. Unfortunately, they now get any scraps and treats, previously often destined for the mutts. Therefore, he's thinking of plans for their escape and talking to the unions. Not a happy [starved] canine.
The house has been a busy one with birthdays for Rock Gods and the steady stream of fans (erm sorry I mean FAMILY). The terrace art has been well blessed with many talented up and coming artists.
More on that another day. So its been a busy wee hoosey for the last wee blink (while) and its been grand to see folks. Next time though, if you've a mind to come and ask what needs done, fear not, we moved the shed.
When an unexpected call and 6 end up at the dinner table, life's always fun. Nicely they asked if they can help with anything, I pondered and counted. One, two, three, four, five, six pairs of arms. How many folks do you think it takes to lift a shed on a late Saturday, two, three, four, five, six. Six I was informed was perfect. So guess what we did?
OK, so the quick clearing of the bed was a challenge, but who's going to miss an opportunity to move a shed to a prime location when it presents itself. I'm afraid (she giggles) that awful Senecio got axed but various shrubs and climbers got moved nicely out of the way of an impending shed rehoming. Its far better up there under the honeysuckle and hiding by the fushia than plonked on the terrace. We all agreed and retreated for a cold glass of something in front of the fire, chores done a bit of Grannies Chicken roasting in the oven, just the thing for the hungry workers.
Visitors here are ALWAYS welcome. We'll feed you well, but if you've a mind for a quiet sit, there'll probably be a wee job first if you don't mind! I've a wee idea to make an orchard at the back where the chicken coup will move into......busy?
Whilst its not how I hurt my poor back, I'm appreciative of being able to move freely and get jobs done with friends to hand.
Thanks guys. Pop back anytime always jobs to do and always an empty table to fill with grub and chums! And there are of course two gates to put up lovlies, when are you coming......
*I seriously think that nail polish manufacturers are missing a trick by not thinking of botanical colours for their horticultural audience. Just saying. Cerinthe purple, Cosmos pink, Lucifer red, Courgette yellow and Calendula orange - would so work.
Really enjoyed reading this x
ReplyDeleteThanks Cathy I love your blog too :)