Saturday, 19 November 2011

You'll walk with us giants?

Like many folk, I'm often alone during the daytime, generally I work alone, I often lunch alone, I often try and walk most days, often I do this alone, except for the small peedie dog by my side. The lights really limited and reducing by the day at this time of year - today sunrise was at 8.05 am, sunset at 3.50pm. With that and the often bad weather, so if its walkable outside we get out for a walk. Excuse the photos in this post, I forgot my 'proper' camera, these were done with my phone. We walked from Ness Point, along the headland to Warbuth beach. Man was it cold!
It even looks wintery doesn't it - it was bitter. My hat was tied tight around my chin, my scarf high up on my face, my hands in pockets, walking very briskly. The wind biting at my face, my nose, watering my eyes, but the sea roared and the birds called and we stomped onward. It will be dark soon, I told my little canine companion - oblivious to my mutterings, which were lost in the wind, he rampaged on, grinning as only that particular dog would appear to do.
We called to seals, who knows how many of them might be or actually are selkie folk? With this in mind, we always bid them a good day. Nodding also to fellow walker, bid hello to a fellow dog out for a stroll, owner having a wee blether further up ahead, the dog clearly had wanted to get on with his walk. I spied gnarled windburnt vegetation, trying to pick out what they were. Lichens glow richly in the afternoon light clinging onto dykes like brightly coloured jewels adorning the sandstone, brilliantly illuminated by the low setting sun. At this time of year the sun sets low in the afternoon behind the highest hills of the Orkney island of Hoy.
 The faithful companion watches on from the shore, can you spot him grinning in the middle of the photo - having chased ringed plovers, oyster catchers and gulls with very limited success, he does like to bid them a hearty hello, scattering them in his wake. He's patiently waiting for me to take a picture of my shadow. I love the winter sun, it makes me tall! Thank you to Robyn for the idea of long shadows.
 I am a giant, I am a giant. Oh, dear mutters the faithful companion, she thinks we're giants again. Don't you love bitter crisp sunny days and the long shadows they cast?


  1. A post to think about. I do a lot of things on my own too, minus the dog at the moment, getting ready for another one, although I have a husband, the family is grown and left home and it is hard to get any one to do the things I do so a lot of thinking is done and lone walks, but on the whole I quite like being on my own .As I get older though I do worry a bit about what happens next.

  2. Your're just a peedie lass the rest of the time, Fay wi a peedie dog, your fathful compantion...
    I'm mortified when our dog chases the birds (fulmars usually). She suddenly has cloth ears!
    No long lunches at Julia's with your mates then?

  3. Janet you're very right - I'm very peedie! I'm kinda mortified that peedie chases birds, but he's no hope and the comedic value of him charging across slippy rocks to a watery outcome is very funny, if a little cruel of the birds to exact their revenge so.
    No long lunches at Julias, I'd say no mates but that would be a fib, I've a few, but mostly everyone works or like me charges about during the day getting on with things whilst the kids are at school.

  4. Hello Penny - I do have a 'husband to be' too, but he lives and normally works away from here - but he does come up regularly. I do like the alone bits sometimes, sometimes I don't much, I enjoy getting out and with a dog at least I guess you're guaranteed a smiley companion and a chuckle too. I often worry too - hard not to isn't it? My family is getting to the leaving home stage, the first will fly off next year. Its a thought.

    I've changed jobs this week and some of that will be working with other people, so the lone working will have a bit more balance.

  5. 'excuse the photos'? They're beautiful! :) Glad you've got pesky Peedie to walk with. It does indeed look bitter (and gorgeous) - love the wintry beaches up there xx

  6. The photos are great! I am alone too for most of the day when the children are at school. I work from home & hubby works away during the week. At the moment tho' I enjoy the few hours of peace, its so noisy and our tiny house so full outside of school hours!! Mind you, I'd love to be able to nip out for a walk by the sea...I'm about as far away from the sea as its possible to get!

  7. I'm very glad you've adopted the idea of shadow pictures - more people should do them! MrEH & I have a collection of pictures of the two of us in shadow from all over the place now!
    Lovely pictures in there - the light just screams "winter!" at you.
    Robyn xx

  8. Your walking weather seemed perfect, and lovely photos too. I can almost feel the brisk air and cool breezes and hear the water flapping near the shore :)

  9. I too did a post on long shadows recently. Then I did a post of trees just like lots of others have. I think there's some some of telepathic bond through Blotanical these days!

  10. Hello Fay,

    Your post made me miss my dog. I lost him last year to a horrible infection. I haven't dared get another yet. But you are never really alone if you have a dog (and you get an excuse for all those walks)

  11. I love shadowy pictures too and I have lots. I even have shadows of my faithful companion Max. I never think of myself as alone when he is by my side, Dogs just know how to listen, cocking their heads to one side and looking interested (when I think really they think we are nuts!). I spend lots of time alone too. Sometimes I need it but lately I miss having hustle and bustle around me.
    Gorgeous photos as always, not sure why you apologised.

  12. brrr! i can feel the cold through your photos and words. good for you for getting out for some fresh air with your doggie even when it's bitter outside.

  13. Loving it - the cold, the view, the long shadows - and especially Peedie, always ahead of you, always looking back to say, come on you!

    I try to get out every day for a walk, even if I've been working in the garden, so I'm outside and *upright* !

  14. Great story, take care and keep watch for those seals shedding their skin. Afraid to say I am quite peedie masel, I may join you in your next photo shoot.

  15. There's a wind and rain storm outside my house, shaking the windows, winking the lights-- chill air coming in under the old doors. I look at your images and I feel I am there too. So beautiful, lucky you and Peedie!

  16. yes! I love the fresh crisp air and the tall shadows, something innocent and childlike about seeing yourself stretched out like that, you can't help but smile. I'm glad even though you were freezing, you stopped to photograph the stunning views and your little friend, there is happiness and beauty in everything if you look for it :) xx

  17. Great photos. I love being by the sea in winter. It's so invigorating. Unfortunately we're quite some way from a nice stretch of coastline. I'm on my own most days too. I don't mind it so much I've always got plenty to keep me busy.

  18. Welly woman I do like living by the sea - and living alone (when kids are at school) there's always lots to do. x

    Astra - happiness and beauty is a lovely thing to find wherever it turns up - we have to open our eyes and look don't we - thank you.

    Linnew - I hope your house shakes less and the lights wink only in fun. We are very lucky!

  19. Alistair - I'll keep a canny eye on the selkie folk.

    Peedie is the new black.

    Robyn - I did borrow it from you and I love it - thank you.

  20. Kininvie - I'm sorry you lost your faithful companion - how terrible and to an infection too - my heartiest thoughts with you. A good excuse for a walk indeed and a requirement for bonios.

    I hope you eventually feel like finding a new canine friend. x

  21. Jan I do like a good walk! Keeps me relatively sane. (!)

    Cheri peedie (snoring on the bed here at present) is always at hand or at foot - he has a penchant for sitting on folks feet. Very odd. I love having a dog - not sure I would but I really do. Never really alone.

    JTs - as always a pleasure - and the bitter wind just makes for an excellent hat wearing opportunity. :)

  22. Jenni I love the sound of the water on the shore don't you?

    sarah - I'm afraid I have to live by the sea - or at least walking distance from it - despite the effect on the garden I need water nearby - not sure why. We lived in England as a child and I felt really unconnected to the sea - I moved back to the coast when I was 12 - never been away from the sea since.
